There is a system for everything
Lund Systems LLC

Building the future, one system at a time.
LundSys is a website for Gaming ,Data, Web Development, Android applications and development, 3D and VR technologies, Computer Vision / Machine Learning / AI, and Modulated sensor systems. Owned by Lund Systems LLC Established 2019.
This site started in 2011 from scratch on an open page of notepad. The entirety of this site has been coded from the server backend , database systems, and members area to the dynamic front-end you see (and do not see) now. From android applications to Twitch integration, and a number of popular online services, with more being added. Working with tech from in house designed embedded devices to c# .net Exe applications to Python, and into the web and databases, and even further into the world of AI and machine learning.
The ideal highlighted in the Lundsys icon ℠, there is often more than meets the eye to any task. Each side contains a profile. It takes 2 to collaborate, 2 hemispheres to complete a thought, and the earth and air to make a world.
Originally, I started the site to make fun java games and math sheets for my kids, and to allow them to be involved in the creative possibility technology offers. So the green is a child and the other side is an adult on the original. They are adults now, and the site has evolved in ways I never imagined. so it has been redesigned with the help of AI I trained.
Skill sets in the following areas:
HTML, PHP, MySQL, JAVA, C++, Python, C#, .NET, OpenCV, Tesseract OCR, Arduino, CNC controls, Ruby, JQuery, CSS, LUA, AJAX, JavaScript, Blender, Unity, Unreal 5, Stable Diffusion, openAI, EMGU,SVG,Tensorflow, opencv, Android + other variants.
At Lundsys, custom databases are integrated for users to access specific data across a number of platforms, which may or may not include hardware. We comfortably work with API's for a number of companies, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Twitch, Overwolf, and much more.What can we build for you?
Woodworking, Construction, Automotive, Landscaping, Networking, Computer Assembly and Design, Investments, Commercial and Residential Real Estate.
Offering custom cabinets and home goods, Commercial signage, CNC precision cutting of sheets for projects.
Lund Systems aims to consolidate a wide variety of technology in new ways, learning as much as we can about dynamic web technology, games, business, and unique live database systems. From Workbenches, to Arduino projects, to full remodels of owned property, soon.... here is where you can see how things are done.
Some Links........
Gamer at heart, playing games since play by mail. Sold the first virtual item in Asherons call back in 1996 on Ebay for 20 bucks (some shoes), have made a fair amount off games since.
Reaching top level in most games played, Billions of isk in Eve, master Lotro crafting and PVP, Everquest, DAOC, Rift, Shadowsbane.... so many more.
Having spent years working with the data set this game has, which is quite vast. Most of the education is a result of the massive trial and error in making the site functions and tools, which is used daily by multiple users.
This is where you can find information regarding the new CNC direction. There is a plan to have in depth data driven information for each project. A Work in Progress,with plans on attempting to implement Machine learning and object recognition in some way as well.
Stay tuned for more updates, check the links below for more!